Project Codes | 585822-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Action Type:  Higher Education – International Capacity Building

National Agency responsible for the project: EACEA – Education, Audio-visual, and Culture Executive Agency Agency Erasmus+ (Brussels)

Project Designation | INNOLEA – Innovation for the Leather Industry in Jordan and Egypt

Co-funded by the European Union | Erasmus+ Programme

Main Objectives | The INNOLEA project aims to:

  • INNOLEA project aims at the establishment of four leather centers in Egyptian and Jordanian Universities. This will be accomplished through the experience of European partners (CTIC, Portugal), ICPI (Romania) and CRE.THI.DEV. (Greece) that have expertise in setting up, equipping, and operating such centers in their country and at the experience of other EU partners from their involvement in similar projects.
  • The project aims to create and maintain a link between Universities and businesses of the leather sector that will foster innovation and the manufacturing of high value quality products, as well as further cooperation between EU and Jordan and Egypt Universities and leather businesses.
  • The project also aims to help encourage the Egyptian and Jordanian governments to favor the establishment of leather centers within universities and to promote research and projects between EU and Egypt and Jordan universities in the leather sector, by creating a research innovation and training network, which will continue to operate and after the end of the current project.


INNOLEA is one of the Erasmus plus programme​ projects, it’s 3 years long, and it aims to fill an apparent gap in the area of specialized services for the leather sector with the ​establishment of four leather centers in local universities, two in Jordan and two in Egypt, utilizing the experience and expertise of EU partners in ​​the area of services for the leather sector.

Through the creation of these centers and the further tasks that will be implemented in this project, the leather sectors in Jordan and Egypt will be offered access to     business development services, such as quality testing, product certification, training, fashion trends, production organization, BtoB and funding opportunities, and subsequently the Jordanian and Egyptian leathers sector will have a valuable ally for its further development.

Participating Organizations:


NTUA (Greece) – National Technical University of Athens


CRE.THI.DEV (Greece): Creative Thinking Development

CTIC (Portugal): Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias do Couro

VC (Portugal): Virtual Campus, Lda

SVU (Egypt): South Valley University

AAST (Egypt): Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

JUST (Jordan): Jordan University of Science and Technology

ACI (Jordan): Amman Chamber of Industry

BAU (Jordan): Al-Balqa Applied University

CIAPE(Italia): Italian Center for Permanent Learning

UPB (Romania): University Polytechnica of Bucharest

KTU (Lithuania): Kaunas University of Technology 

INCDTP-ICPI (Romania): The National Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather – Division: Leather and Footwear Research Institute

Beginning | 15-10-2017

Conclusion | 14-04-2021

Overall Grant | 929 200,00 €


Project official website: