LEAMAN – Manager in an Efficient and Innovative Leather Company
CTIC – Centro Tecnológico das Industrias do Couro invites to take part in an International, Innovative Leather Product Competition, addressed to creative people ready to share their ideas for new products connected with the leather industry.
All you have to do is submit your idea to the Virtual Challenge Community platform until 10 April 2018
Winners of the competition will be announced in July 2018 We will help them to conduct a crowdfunding campaign to put the idea into practice through Indiegogo.com
For details see: http://leaman.eu/competition/
Brief Overview
Action-FieldCooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training – Development of Innovation
LEAMAN aims to create a framework that will result in better qualified professionals in the European leather and leather associated industries. Through the creation of a European Qualification Framework (EQF), the project aims to promote both lifelong learning and equal opportunities in the knowledge-based society, as well as the further integration of the European labour market for all relevant professionals, such as existing and potential managers in the leather industry.
LEAMAN addresses both technological and non-technological issues, from leather science to the application of new technologies, and from fundamental managerial skills, financial or project management skills, to issues regarding health and safety at the workplace, social responsibility or traceability in the leather value chain.
Participating Organizations:
CTIC (Portugal) – Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias do Couro
Partners:CRETHIDEV (Greece) – Creative Thinking Development
CIAPE (Italy) – Centro Italiano Per L’Apprendimento Permanente
INESCOP (Spain) – Instituto Tecnologico Del Calzado Y Conexas
INCDTP – ICPI (Romania) – Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Si Pielarie
FRP (Poland) – Fundacja Rozwoju Prezdsiebiorczosci
Virtual Campus Lda. (Portugal)
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